Are you passionate?
Are you passionate about leading worship? Are you sincerely fanatic about having the Holy Spirit turn up and move in your worship service?
I have written and spoken many times about the passion of Worship Leading; it is something I'm passionate about. Those of you who listen to our weekly podcast: "the worshipleaders podcast" will have heard me talk many times about the importance of preparation, prayer, a great well prepared songlist, etc. But the one ingredient that leads to great worship is Passion.
Passion is the Glue
Passion is the glue that holds everything together. In life, love, work and play, we see time and again that those who are passionate about what they do succeed well. My eldest daughter is passionate about anything to do with art, craft, or creativity. The result is she's a great cook, photographer, knitter, sewer, jewellery maker and general craft person. Her blog will testify to that.
My son is a brilliant musician. We gave him drum lessons when he was younger, but then later when he wanted to take up the bass guitar, I told him he was on his own. Well, with the help of some friends, some chord charts and a whole lot of YouTube, he became a brilliant Bass guitar player. He did the same with rhythm guitar, and is currently doing a music degree at University.
What makes these two so good? They are passionate about their interests, and will put serious time into getting it right. When they get it wrong, they don't simply give up and say:"well that's too hard", they keep practicing until they get it right.
The reward of Passion
I am passionate about good furniture design, and the result is people buy my product.
The light globe you switch on when it gets dark is the result of someone's passion to create light without the use of a naked flame. It was not an instant success, but many failures went into getting it right. The car you drive is the result of decades of passion poured into getting a better, more comfortable, more efficient mode of transport.
Great Passion equals Great Worship.
Great music is the result of Passion. Great preaching, the result of Passion; great worship-leading, the result of Passion.
Today you can overcome mediocrity by firing up your passion.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jude 20 Says: Beloved, Build yourself up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.
There are many scriptures exhorting us to draw near to Him (James 4:8).
When we allow God to envelop us with His presence daily, when we draw near to Him, when we study His Word, and spend time getting to know not just about Him, but also to know Him, our passion will rise. And when you are passionate about God, and about great Worship, you will have great Worship.
Luke 10:37b: Go and do likewise!
Have a great Sunday!
Thanks Erick - your blog is always great reading with solid, well thought out content. I appreciate your work. Thanks, Leanne