Sunday 16 October 2011

Are you desperate enough?

What drives me?

I ask myself the question why do I do what I do? What motivates me? What gets me out of bed in the morning? What drives me?

Other than the obvious answers of : I have bills to pay, my wife makes me, because I would be bored, etc, a deeper look at this question is required.

In every area of our lives there are things that make us tick. There are things that we are passionate about.

I love good coffee.

I love coffee so much that I was willing to make the decision to buy a good machine and find a really good roaster and grind and blend my own bean. The result is that people love coming for coffee at my place, because they are going to get as good a coffee if not better than one they pay money for at a coffee shop.

I am good at my job.

My boss and I started our business virtually from scratch, and we now have 6 stores employ some 33 staff and have a fleet of trucks on the road delivering goods all over the place. we are passionate about our business and want it to succeed and do well. We are keen to have the right people with the right attitude working with us so that our business prospers and in turn our staff share in the profitability of the company.

In order for me to stay on top of my game, I do a lot of research and development. I invent new products and look at ways of doing things better to achieve a better outcome for the client. In turn the clients love our ideas and purchase our product.

There is a cost.

Every time I have an idea, it may well cost us money. Some of my thoughts have cost our company hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fortunately they have been successful and we are on the way to making a profit from them.

There is a risk involved. Every time I have an idea, there is a risk that it won't succeed. That the idea is just too far fetched that people won't see it and therefore embrace it, and no matter how good my idea is, it doesn't get off the ground, and the money spent does not bring a return.

We do our homework well.

We research thoroughly. We build prototypes and test them. All these things because we are desperate to succeed. And then we market the new product and train our staff in the features and benefits of that product.

Are you desperate?

When you are desperate to achieve goals in life, you will do anything for that. Look at great sports people or famous inventors, scientists who have discovered life saving technologies or drugs.

As a Christian you are no different. You have a similar calling. Not only in your life as a student, professional, factory worker, checkout operator, but in your faith.

We all want God to do great things in our lives. We want to see the Holy Spirit move mightily in our lives, families, church services. We want to see healings, we want our churches filled with people who need Jesus.

Or do we??

How desperate are you?

How much do you want to see God move in your service? How much do you want to see the Spirit release His power in your Praise and Worship?

Are you prayed up? Daily? Are you seeking God? Daily and earnestly? Are you making changes in your life that fall into line with a holy calling? Are you doing the R&D; getting into God's word, seeking Him, communing, fellowshipping, meditating on Him?

Yes just as I mentioned all the prerequisites for success in business, there are requirements for successful church.

Proverbs 8:17 : I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.

When Lachlan asked me the first time if he could marry my daughter, I asked him what he was prepared to give up to marry her. His answer was hockey. Some months later when he asked me again if he could marry my daughter, I asked him the same question. This time his answer was: "I will give up anything and everything to be with Bethanie"

I am writing this blog from Bethanie and Lachlan's home.

What are you willing to do to see a full and vibrant church of people making strong inroads into your community, where the worship is great, and the Spirit of God manifests himself daily?

Have a great week.


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